MIT Spotlight
Burak and I put together an MIT spotlight (featured on the MIT home page) to promote the online exhibition of this year's MAS110 class. For the online portion, I'm only responsible for the photo that is running on the homepage; Burak gets the credit for the excellent design of the class site. We also had a little booklet printed with a subset of the student work, which I designed with much assistance from John, but I have yet to post the layout here. Maybe I will get around to that when the end of term fiasco comes to a close.
As far as that photo on the homepage, I'm not terribly proud of it. It was a very feeble attempt to have the students arrange themselves into the letters M-I-T. Clever representations of those three little letters are the staple of MIT spotlights. I did what I could, but the light was dingy and the layout of the seats didn't lend itself to lettering. Fortunately, the nice folks who maintain the ever-changing MIT web presence were kind enough to approve the graphic for today's homepage. Stop by and look at it if you haven't already, and definitely have a look at the student work … it's good stuff.
The title of the exhibition, a la moodle, was actually chosen by the students. We've been using moodle, an open source course management system, this term with such success that much of the important dialogue was carried out “on the side” in the forums of moodle and not during “physical class.” So, when asked to pick a name for the exhibition, they provided the very light-hearted but thoughtful title of “a la moodle”.
For posterity sakes, here is a screen capture: